Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21st 2009

I can't believe it's Thursday already. The days just fly by. I spent the day playing with the canvasses I started on Monday and really enjoyed myself, I am trying to think of it as playing rather than being so serious and perfectionistic about it all. I also planted my New Guinea Impatience on my patio, so it feels like Spring now. We are supposed to get lovely weather over the weekend so my flowers will be happy, as well as me. I want to turn two plant pots into water features but I am having some difficulty finding the right stuff to paint on the inside to make them water tight. The search goes on.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leone,

    You were so right to maitain a "playful" attitude to your art project. I remembered when I first started writing stories, I wanted them to be perfect. Unknowingly, I've placed huge pressure to myself. It was only til I learn to let go that stories started to flow. Great Post! :)
