Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19 2009

I have done another art journal entry and even struggled with that. Inspiration is just not there. Oh well, tomorrow's another day. My neighbour is coming home from the hospital tomorrow so I am going to pick her up at 10:00 am. I hope she can manage on her own still.

I threw my Wreck This Journal under three different buses before I got it right and the whole thing got run over. I was surprised and a little disappointed and how little damage occurred - just some indents where the rocks on the road stuck in. I found lots of circles for the circle page and had fun doing that and colouring outside the lines felt pretty rebellious. Just trying to play these days and relax a little before I start on my canvasses again.


  1. I really like your journal page and what you have been doing for wtj!

    Can I make a suggestion? I have a suspicion that the success of previous pieces of work actually makes it harder for you to continue making pieces. What you create always seems to turn out so beautifully but I guess so many times we don't know where we are headed and that expectation that you will end up in a beautiful place can be intimidating.... Why not deliberately make some ugly art? *grin*

  2. Hi Leone,
    Your art jounal pages are gorgeous, they have a nice texture to them, and I love the colours in 'Ferns & Flowers'.
    Wish I could paint and produce as many pieces of work as you have, a wonderful effort, how do you do it? I feel it has been a struggle for me lately, but will contunue to get that creative side out!
    Happy painting, Angie ox.

  3. Yes! I'm with Rose on this one -- remember the ugly, the Dark Art? Aim for something hideous and then your inner critic won't ever be disappointed!! :)

    I'm still giggling over you throwing your journal under three buses....HA!!!

  4. Hi Leone
    You are creating - that is a huge plus. A Mel and Rose said - go for ugly and dark. Who knoww where that will take you.
    Hope your neighbour settles back ok.
    Take care of yourself!

  5. Both your art journal and wrecking are fantastic! Especially you put them in the same post. On the one hand we giving birth something new and on the other hand, we are destroying. It's like life's cycle. Great inspiration!
