Saturday, July 30, 2011

I am still here!!! I have been working away on my faces in my calendar and have done quite well but I am behind a little. I need to do some catch up painting and have three more faces to draw. I hope to get that done in the next couple of days:

Now I have to decide what to do for my August calendar. Maybe dogs or cats or zentangles.

On of my intentions for this year is to do some art journal sketching out in the world. I hope to feel more connected to the world and myself and be more observant. I want to develop my own style and become more confident in my drawing skill.

Today I sat outside of Cafe Citadell and drew this picture. I am pleased with it because I used some of the patterns in the wrought iron table for the design around the cup of tea. I wanted to draw a sparrow and made up my own bird. This is exactly what I want to achieve. My own style. I drew in ink instead of drawing in pencil and redrawing in ink. Letting go of perfection.I don't know if the picture will enlarge sometimes it does, sometimes not.

I have ordered Artist's Journal Workshop from Chapters and another Journal book, can't remember the name of it now but they should be here this week. I love getting new books!!


  1. So many beautiful faces! Looking good Leone! Nice to see you back!

  2. Glad to see you back and so active! Loving those faces and your journal page! Hope all is well and that you hada wonderful weekend!
    Take care!

  3. Hi Leone,
    I contacted Gail from Creative workshops she told me
    that the Ning site requests that this is the procedure for the "store" even though you didn't buy anything tangible. If you really don't want to fill out the forms but still want to take the class just let me know and I will send you Gail's email so you can email her and she can send you a Paypal or Credit Card invoice and bypass it going through the store. Thanks!
