Sunday, April 3, 2011

These are three new Soul Collages that I have done. I have gone through another dry spell but have done these and almost finished my calendar for April. The title of this one is Self-Constructed Cages: This one is Free Spirit and Taking Flight:
This one is Playfulness:
We have had so much rain and gray skies here in the Pacific Northwest that I am feeling kind of depressed - that along with the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the resulting radiation leaking into the Pacific Ocean. The ocean is just about fifteen feet from my patio so it is a bit of a worry.

I am still reading Finding Water and The Secret in an attempt to raise my spirits and not get stuck in the sadness. I am grateful every day that we don't have snow and that we are not suffering as the Japanese people are. Really, life is good, the spirits are just a little bit low and GRAY like the skies!!!


  1. Love the subtle color palette of the first 2 collage. And what a whimsical lovely piece the 3rd one. You're doing really well!

    We're approaching winter, hence rain and gray sky. I could understand how the GRAY dampened people's mood.

    Sending you sunshine and smiles ... ;)

  2. The last one is my favourite, there is just soooo much fun here! You have talent for this, they are all beautiful. *hugs*

  3. Hi dear friend,

    Just realized that I haven't replied to your questions about Alisa Burke's class. Very sorry.

    Presume you're talking about her sketchbook class. With your skill level, you might find it a bit basic. But if you're interested in expanding your tool choice for sketching, I'd say go for it. Also, there quite a number of video which you got to see Alison working on a sketchbook page from start to finish. That's what I learn most.

    Hope this helps. Again, I'm terribly sorry for not getting back to you soon. Simply forget ... :(

    Cheers and hope to see you back soon!
